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Advertising the Benefits of Reflexology

The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) only allows Reflexologists to make certain general claims for the benefits of Reflexology. However, if you look closely at what these imply you can see how tremendously beneficial Reflexology can be to individuals....

  1. Release of tension

This may not seem much, but let's think about how holding tension in your body (including your feet!) can affect you.... Tension can cause mechanical restrictions affecting circulation and the movement of lymph which are slowed down or blocked by muscle tension. Elevated muscle tension is present in people who are STRESSED.. so by releasing tension in the body you are also aiding in relieving stress.

  1. Can aid Sleep

Poor sleep is a huge problem amongst the general population these days and seems to be getting worse. Poor sleep causes irritability and stress (increasing tension in the body!). Poor sleep can also lead to reduced immune function and an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

  1. Relaxation

The relaxation response is the ability of the body to release chemicals and brain signals to relax muscles and slow down body organs (such as the beating of the heart) and to increase the flow of blood to the brain thereby improving concentration. The relaxation response lowers the production of stress hormones, e.g. adrenaline. Reflexology plays a part in activating the parasympathetic nervous system or the 'rest, digest and recover' system of the body dominated by the Vagus nerves. Stress and tension switches off the actions of the Vagus nerves and puts the body into the sympathetic response, or 'fight, flight or freeze' mode. This relaxing effect helps to lower blood pressure and leads to increased energy, decreased fatigue, increased motivation, productivity, better concentration and, therefore, better decision making.

  1. Improved Mood

It goes without saying that if you feel more relaxed , less tense and have had better quality sleep you feel much happier and if you feel happier you are happier. Being in a good mood improves your relationships with other people which makes life much easier and less stressful. An improved mood also helps you to build mental rsilience and the ability to adapt to stress and adversity.

  1. Increased Wellbeing

Wellbeing is not simply an absence of illness, but much more than this including a positive physical, social and mental state. As Reflexologists we are 'wellbeing improvers'. This is shown over and over again by the happy responses of our clients to treatments. It is not a minor claim as having wellbeing underpins the whole of our lives and relationships.

  1. Perception of Health

As a result of the release of tension, better sleep, relaxation, improved mood and a feeling of wellbeing problems appear far less significant in our lives leading to us feeling better overall.

All in all, a pretty impressive set of reasons to give Reflexology or any of the other treatments I offer a try for yourself. You owe it to yourself to feel more healthy, relaxed and able to cope with life. Why not contact me, have a few sessions and find out for yourself?



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